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I have been reading comments and some of your comments are really touching. The best of them were from people doing business, some said I’m trying but things are not working out. That is very true, you’re really working hard but you earn very little. Don’t give up, keeping moving and you will get there.

I’m a developer and my innovations have a strong foundation of pursuing the well-being of all humanity. I believe we were not created to look for money all our lives. I believe the original intent of our creation was acquire knowledge and manage our environment.

From the knowledge perspective, let me share with you just one way that take you out of poverty. I have used it to build a $50M company from 0. The first step is list a 5 things that you can not do. Then list 5 things that you can do. Focus on the 5 things that you can do and Select the one that can add value to lives of others. ( Note: Everyone focuses on potential buyers but focus creating your own buyers )

I.e. If you’re thinking in line of selling food, plan to serve your clients a maximum of 3 meals on credit, that means everytime they come, you simply tell to pay the credit before you sell them the fourth meal. Now seat down and count the cost selling 4 meals without receiving payment, and tag it as ads cost. Find out how many clients you’re targeting and how many you can actually manage to serve, put the numbers down. The calculate how much you need to rent the location for 12 months. Calculate the salary of your workers for 12 months. Calculate the cost of buying equipments and furniture. Calculate the cost of bills for 12 months and licenses. Calculate food costs for 12 months.

Put down all the details clearly and prepare to get started even if you don’t have a penny. Now the first assignment is to breakdown the huge capital into small portions. Now the foundation of all this is integrity and this decision and a determination that any person can make.

Let me tell how I’m doing it! I needed $10 Million to start my company but I had less that $0. What I had was a debt of $32000. What I did was write ✍️ what I wanted to do. First I created a Facebook group Boldcashers Sweden. It now over 77k subscribers. The I developed an Boldcashers it’s on the playstore with over 5000 downloads. I started noting 📝 and posting potential solutions to problems in Africa.

One evening I asked a family friend to give me some money and he declined, I told him I’m going to Start a Bank, and he laughed. I sat down on my laptop and developed the app Cash Chat Bank. When I was developing my focus was to provide a way for the poor to say good bye 👋 to poverty.

During the time of registering the company, I was stuck and my family members declined to give even a cent. That did not stop me, I created a gofund campaign ( and got about $77. The money I needed urgently was $7000.

One morning I received a called from some that I knew was having hard times financially. I had not contacted her for almost a year. She asked me straight forward, are you in need of money? I said yes but it’s a lot, I need $7000. She said I don’t understand what you’re doing but I know it’s going to workout. I ’m going to send you $5000, it’s not mine but I will explain to the people that gave it to me.

That was the money that got me started with doing what I’m going to tell you. Note, this procedure may not apply to you if you’re starting small but the same formular will work for you. The reason I needed that money was because I was building something on international standards.

I set up the company got all the pitch materials and started by reaching out the big investors. The initial evaluation was $30M and Investor I got wanted 51% for $10M. That means he could even alter the course of everything. I declined the offer because my goal my not to make the next richest man on earth. I can assure you he was going to be and in a very short time. My goal is for the poor to have their share in the resources that were created for all humanity.

Instead of one man having 51% I decided to split my company into 1 million equal share reserves. I then registered a private company in Europe to manage equity on behalf of a maximum of 1M poor including myself. So Cash Chat Limited, 100,000 share reserves were assigned to Boldcashers in Sweden. These share reserves were the put on sale via Stripe at $30 in the beginning. Today the price has risen to $50 per share reserve. They’re also being sold in the Cash Chat Bank app.

The Question is How can poor get $50 to buy share reserves?

That is exactly what I worked on before selling the share reserves. I have street kids in East Africa that are reaching out to their fellow kids on the street and connecting them on Cash Chat( My company pays them $12 per person they connect. They do not need to pay any money but when they want to withdraw or buy anything, a onetime fee is deducted from the money which we paid them or someone else gave them.

So their main task is to reach 5 others like them, and they will be able reserve shares in Cash Chat Limited. Remember in 1998 when Google was starting, a $50 investment became $4.25M 5 years later. It’s now 20 years since it happened. I believe strongly it’s going to happen again. This time it’s the poor that going receive it, WHY?

  1. They are not afraid to be scammed because they have nothing to loose. People take scammers lightly but they are very wicked agents of poverty that blind people from opportunities that would change their lives.

  2. The poor have no choice but to try out whatever may work.

To be continued….

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